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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------
- alarm.c : process alarms
- (C) 1997-2003 Kazuto Sato
- Please read readme.txt about the license.
- Written by Kazubon, Nanashi-san
- ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "tclock.h"
- /* Globals */
- void InitAlarm(void);
- void EndAlarm(void);
- void OnTimerAlarm(HWND hwnd, const SYSTEMTIME* st, int reason);
- /* Statics */
- static PALARMSTRUCT m_pAlarm = NULL;
- static int m_numAlarm = 0;
- static BOOL m_bCheckEverySeconds = FALSE;
- /*------------------------------------------------
- initialize
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- void InitAlarm(void)
- {
- int i;
- int jihou;
- m_numAlarm = GetMyRegLong("", "AlarmNum", 0);
- if(m_numAlarm < 1) m_numAlarm = 0;
- if(m_pAlarm) free(m_pAlarm);
- m_pAlarm = NULL;
- jihou = 0;
- if(GetMyRegLong("", "Jihou", FALSE)) jihou = 1;
- if(m_numAlarm + jihou == 0) return;
- m_pAlarm = malloc(sizeof(ALARMSTRUCT) * (m_numAlarm + jihou));
- // read settings
- LoadAlarm(m_pAlarm, m_numAlarm); // common/alarmstruct.c
- // cuckoo clock
- if(jihou)
- {
- pAS = m_pAlarm + m_numAlarm;
- m_numAlarm++;
- memset(pAS, 0, sizeof(ALARMSTRUCT));
- strcpy(pAS->strHours, "*");
- strcpy(pAS->strMinutes, "0");
- strcpy(pAS->strWDays, "*");
- SetAlarmTime(pAS); // common/alarmstruct.c
- pAS->bEnable = TRUE;
- pAS->bHour12 = TRUE;
- GetMyRegStr("", "JihouFile", pAS->fname, MAX_PATH, "");
- if(GetMyRegLong("", "JihouRepeat", FALSE))
- pAS->bRepeatJihou = TRUE;
- if(GetMyRegLong("", "JihouBlink", FALSE))
- {
- pAS->bBlink = TRUE; pAS->nBlinkSec = 60;
- }
- }
- m_bCheckEverySeconds = FALSE;
- if(m_pAlarm)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < m_numAlarm; i++)
- {
- pAS = m_pAlarm + i;
- if(pAS->bEnable)
- {
- if(pAS->second)
- m_bCheckEverySeconds = TRUE;
- else if(pAS->bInterval)
- {
- if(!pAS->bBootExec)
- pAS->tickLast = GetTickCount();
- m_bCheckEverySeconds = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------
- clear up
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- void EndAlarm(void)
- {
- if(m_pAlarm) free(m_pAlarm);
- m_pAlarm = NULL;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------
- execute alarms
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- void OnTimerAlarm(HWND hwnd, const SYSTEMTIME* st, int reason)
- {
- static int hourLast = 0, minuteLast = 0;
- int i, hour, loops;
- if(!m_pAlarm) return;
- // execute once a minute
- if(reason == 0 && st && !m_bCheckEverySeconds)
- {
- if(hourLast == (int)st->wHour &&
- minuteLast == (int)st->wMinute) return;
- hourLast = st->wHour;
- minuteLast = st->wMinute;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < m_numAlarm; i++)
- {
- BOOL bexec = FALSE;
- pAS = m_pAlarm + i;
- if(!pAS->bEnable) continue;
- // 12 hour
- hour = 0;
- if(st)
- {
- hour = st->wHour;
- if(pAS->bHour12)
- {
- if(hour == 0) hour = 12;
- else if(hour >= 13) hour -= 12;
- }
- }
- // compare time
- if(reason == 0 && st)
- {
- if(pAS->hours[hour]
- && pAS->minutes[st->wMinute]
- && pAS->wdays[st->wDayOfWeek])
- {
- if(pAS->second)
- {
- if(pAS->second == st->wSecond) bexec = TRUE;
- }
- else bexec = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // Execute when TClock is started
- if(reason == 1)
- {
- if(pAS->bBootExec) bexec = TRUE;
- }
- // At regular intervals
- if(st && pAS->bInterval && pAS->nInterval > 0)
- {
- if(pAS->hours[hour] && pAS->wdays[st->wDayOfWeek])
- {
- if(GetTickCount() - pAS->tickLast >
- (DWORD)pAS->nInterval * 1000 * 60) bexec = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // not to execute an alarm twice within a minute
- if(bexec)
- {
- DWORD tick = GetTickCount();
- if(tick - pAS->tickLast < 60000 && reason == 0)
- bexec = FALSE;
- else pAS->tickLast = tick;
- }
- if(bexec)
- {
- if(pAS->bBlink && g_hwndClock)
- PostMessage(g_hwndClock, CLOCKM_BLINK, 0, pAS->nBlinkSec);
- if(pAS->fname[0])
- {
- if(pAS->bRepeat) loops = -1; else loops = 0;
- if(pAS->bRepeatJihou) loops = hour;
- // common/playfile.c
- PlayFile(hwnd, pAS->fname, loops);
- }
- }
- }
- }